Letters to self #1- Shape of Love

I have heard and read stories about love of all forms. Young, broken, unrequited, nourished, and so much more. All apparently equally beautiful and worth cherishing.

But what do you call that feeling of fleeting moments of happiness followed by a sense of longing, when you know that the love you have seen or embraced is twisted, confusing and ambiguous? What shape does love take so that it is at least mildly comprehensible for a simple human mind?

I know of two people who decided to get married to each other even if they were never in love. Two people who fought through social stigma and hatred, in the name of love, but never for the sake of it. And I know of someone who was too scared to pursue her love because of the same damned society! Do all people who are in love, lack a sense of direction or courage? And about people who do have a sense of direction and courage, well do they really know of love? Or am I just blinded by the stories I know?

I know of a girl who was too scared to fall in love that she preached against it. And when she finally found love in the most obvious person she knew, her teachings became stories of the past. Are all lovers hypocrites? Or am I just blinded by the stories I know?

I know of people who continue to fight for what they think is love even when all that is left is reminiscence of the past. Are we all so naïve that we choose not to see the truth for what it is? Or am I just blinded by the stories I know?

I know that I have struggled at choosing the right people. But then again, who is actually sure of the person they choose to fall in love with? Can any human being ever be in absolute confidence of their choice? Or am I just blinded by the stories that I have lived through?

If any of this made sense to you and if you want to talk about it, feel free to hit me up! Until then, here is a song for you which released on YouTube exactly three years back:

Watch till the end!

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